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iPhone 5 i-color magic edges shield (Hello Kitty)
front and back protector stick-ons for an iPhone 5
The iColor installation is much easier. You get supplied with a one-piece wrap that has a clear top piece running the length. When you peel it away from it’s backing, you’re left with the wrap and the top piece. The top piece allows you to precisely position the wrap without getting your fingers all over the sticky side of the wrap, once it’s in position peel away the top piece leaving the wrap in place.
The iColor installation is much easier. You get supplied with a one-piece wrap that has a clear top piece running the length. When you peel it away from it’s backing, you’re left with the wrap and the top piece. The top piece allows you to precisely position the wrap without getting your fingers all over the sticky side of the wrap, once it’s in position peel away the top piece leaving the wrap in place.