On Hold
The Rose Bouquet Collection Jeri Kelly Quilting Pattern
The Rose Bouquet Collection Jeri Kelly JK-07
The Rose Bouquet Collection. This is a very cute quilting pattern with bunnies and roses. Copyright by Jeri Kelly, Pattern JK-07, used in uncut and very good condition.
Pattern includes -
Wall Hanging: 17 1/2" x 32"
Tabble Topper: 12 1/2" x 49"
Pillow: 14" x 14" pillow form.
The Rose Bouquet Collection. This is a very cute quilting pattern with bunnies and roses. Copyright by Jeri Kelly, Pattern JK-07, used in uncut and very good condition.
Pattern includes -
Wall Hanging: 17 1/2" x 32"
Tabble Topper: 12 1/2" x 49"
Pillow: 14" x 14" pillow form.