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Blue Dayflower Commelina communis - 15 Seeds
15 Seeds w/Instructions
Common Dayflower (sometimes called Asiatic Dayflower) is an annual weed that is not actually a grass but has a grass-like appearance when mowed. It has symettrical flowers, and inflorescences enclosed in spathes, which are typically pale green with dark green veins. The name Dayflower comes from the fact that flowers that emerge in the morning are often gone before the afternoon sun. This plant does best in partial shade, in moist to mesic conditions, with a fertile soil that is loamy or slightly sandy.
Perennial in zones 7+, annual in cooler climates. Container suitable.
Other Names: Scurvy weed, Wandering Jew, spiderwort day flower, white mouth dayflower, slender dayflower, or widow's tears
Common Dayflower (sometimes called Asiatic Dayflower) is an annual weed that is not actually a grass but has a grass-like appearance when mowed. It has symettrical flowers, and inflorescences enclosed in spathes, which are typically pale green with dark green veins. The name Dayflower comes from the fact that flowers that emerge in the morning are often gone before the afternoon sun. This plant does best in partial shade, in moist to mesic conditions, with a fertile soil that is loamy or slightly sandy.
Perennial in zones 7+, annual in cooler climates. Container suitable.
Other Names: Scurvy weed, Wandering Jew, spiderwort day flower, white mouth dayflower, slender dayflower, or widow's tears