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Falkland Darwin's Slipper Flower Calceolaria fothergillii - 15 Seeds
15 Seeds w/Instructions (seeds are very small)
The most sought after Calceolaria. Native to the Falkland Islands, Calceolaria fothergillii is a hardy little plant, forming a rosette of tiny, spoon-shaped, pale-green hairy leaves. From this rosette a single stem bears a lady’s slipper flower in yellow with red or violet spots and a white bar across the ‘toes’. Wonderful choice rarity for rock garden and containers.
For best results grow in moist but well-drained soil in a cool spot in partial shade. Never allow the soil to dry out and deadhead plants regularly. Likes a moist but well-drained acidic soil mix Perennial, zones 5-9. Counterfeit seeds are already on the market. Beware of "bargains" from China.
Other Names: Slipperwort, Darwin' slipper flower, Chamber Maids, Darwin's Slipper. Syn: Fagelia fothergillii, Fagelia bellidifolia, Calceolaria bellidifolia, Calceolaria cavanillesii, Calceolaria neeana
The most sought after Calceolaria. Native to the Falkland Islands, Calceolaria fothergillii is a hardy little plant, forming a rosette of tiny, spoon-shaped, pale-green hairy leaves. From this rosette a single stem bears a lady’s slipper flower in yellow with red or violet spots and a white bar across the ‘toes’. Wonderful choice rarity for rock garden and containers.
For best results grow in moist but well-drained soil in a cool spot in partial shade. Never allow the soil to dry out and deadhead plants regularly. Likes a moist but well-drained acidic soil mix Perennial, zones 5-9. Counterfeit seeds are already on the market. Beware of "bargains" from China.
Other Names: Slipperwort, Darwin' slipper flower, Chamber Maids, Darwin's Slipper. Syn: Fagelia fothergillii, Fagelia bellidifolia, Calceolaria bellidifolia, Calceolaria cavanillesii, Calceolaria neeana