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Hardy Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora - 10 Seeds
10 Seeds w/Instructions (damp wrapped)
This is a medium to large evergreen tree native to stream and river beds in East Texas and the South with leaves that can be as much as a foot in length. The cup-shaped white or cream colored blooms may reach 14” across and are followed by rusty brown cones studded with bright red seeds. Fragrance of the southern magnolia (also known as bull bay) is legendary, and has been described as being as strong as that of lemon, jasmine or tuberose, but more delightful. When in bloom, you can smell it from 20 feet away. Zone 6-10.
This is a medium to large evergreen tree native to stream and river beds in East Texas and the South with leaves that can be as much as a foot in length. The cup-shaped white or cream colored blooms may reach 14” across and are followed by rusty brown cones studded with bright red seeds. Fragrance of the southern magnolia (also known as bull bay) is legendary, and has been described as being as strong as that of lemon, jasmine or tuberose, but more delightful. When in bloom, you can smell it from 20 feet away. Zone 6-10.