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Medicinal Herb Yellow Cowslip Primrose Primula veris officinalis - 40 Seeds
40 Seeds w/Instructions (seeds are small)
Primula veris, quite rare, is one of the most striking native primula species, best grown in groups especially if naturalized in grass. The fresh green rosettes of crinkly oval leaves are covered in velvety hairs, rolled inwards as the flower buds form in spring. Several flower stems are produced, each crowned by a one-sided cluster of long, funnel-shaped blooms, rich yellow and sweetly fragrant.
Commonly called Cowslips, they provide a valuable early nectar source for bees. They have a very long history of medicinal use and have been particularly useful in treating conditions involving colds, rheumatic pains and many others. Certainly an easy Primrose to please, happy in average to heavy soils and a partial shade exposure. Very hardy perennial, Zones 2-9.
Other Names: Mayflower, Key of Heaven
Primula veris, quite rare, is one of the most striking native primula species, best grown in groups especially if naturalized in grass. The fresh green rosettes of crinkly oval leaves are covered in velvety hairs, rolled inwards as the flower buds form in spring. Several flower stems are produced, each crowned by a one-sided cluster of long, funnel-shaped blooms, rich yellow and sweetly fragrant.
Commonly called Cowslips, they provide a valuable early nectar source for bees. They have a very long history of medicinal use and have been particularly useful in treating conditions involving colds, rheumatic pains and many others. Certainly an easy Primrose to please, happy in average to heavy soils and a partial shade exposure. Very hardy perennial, Zones 2-9.
Other Names: Mayflower, Key of Heaven