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Buddha Belly Caudex Bottle Plant Jatropha podagrica - 3 Seeds
3 Seeds w/instructions
Jatropha podagrica is a very remarkable small erect succulent or sub-woody shrub with a singularly distorted stem and branches much swollen at their bases, giving it the common name. The large, long petioled, only shallowly lobed leaves are arranged at the end of the branches. Throughout the year it produces small red-orange flowers in clusters like a coral at the tip of a long red stalk. It is one of the most popular caudiciform greatly priced by the succulent enthusiast and one that is easily raised from seed. It looks its best in winter while it is still without leaves and has only its flowers. J. podagrica is also known for its incredible ability to attract a variety of butterflies wherever it is grown.
Red flowering shrub, rare seeds, White Rhubarb, Bottle Plant Shrub, Gouty Foot, Petit Baobab, Tartogo nut, Bali Gout Plant, Podagrica, Physicnut, Goutystalk Nettlespurge, Guatemalan Rhubarb, Purging-nut, Gout plant, Gouty-stalked Jatropha, Australian Bottle Plant, Coral Plant, Gout Plant, Gout Stalk, Gout Stick, Bottleplant shrub, Buddha Belly Plant, Euphorbia
Jatropha podagrica is a very remarkable small erect succulent or sub-woody shrub with a singularly distorted stem and branches much swollen at their bases, giving it the common name. The large, long petioled, only shallowly lobed leaves are arranged at the end of the branches. Throughout the year it produces small red-orange flowers in clusters like a coral at the tip of a long red stalk. It is one of the most popular caudiciform greatly priced by the succulent enthusiast and one that is easily raised from seed. It looks its best in winter while it is still without leaves and has only its flowers. J. podagrica is also known for its incredible ability to attract a variety of butterflies wherever it is grown.
Red flowering shrub, rare seeds, White Rhubarb, Bottle Plant Shrub, Gouty Foot, Petit Baobab, Tartogo nut, Bali Gout Plant, Podagrica, Physicnut, Goutystalk Nettlespurge, Guatemalan Rhubarb, Purging-nut, Gout plant, Gouty-stalked Jatropha, Australian Bottle Plant, Coral Plant, Gout Plant, Gout Stalk, Gout Stick, Bottleplant shrub, Buddha Belly Plant, Euphorbia