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Organic American Black Elderberry Sambucus nigra canadensis - 40 Seeds
40 Seeds w/Instructions
The American Elderberry Tree is known for its delicious berries, used in jellies, jams, pies, juice and wine. Grows to 5 to 12 feet in height. The American Elderberry Tree produces a beautiful foliage in the spring with a full bloom and berry production.
The leaves of the American elder are opposite, pinnately compound (featherlike), and up to a foot long. Large, terminal, flat-topped clusters of fragrant, tiny star shaped white flowers arranged in showy sprays up to 10 inches across appear in spring. The flowers are followed by clusters of shiny dark purple to black, berry-like fruits (drupes) in late summer to fall. Fruit may be used to make preserves, jellies, pies and wine. Fruit is also attractive to wildlife. Flower clusters can be battered and fried. In the fall, elderberries put on a colorful display of yellows, oranges and reds. Soil Type: Prefers moist soils, but will tolerate dry soils. Requires full sun. Zone 3-8.
The American Elderberry Tree is known for its delicious berries, used in jellies, jams, pies, juice and wine. Grows to 5 to 12 feet in height. The American Elderberry Tree produces a beautiful foliage in the spring with a full bloom and berry production.
The leaves of the American elder are opposite, pinnately compound (featherlike), and up to a foot long. Large, terminal, flat-topped clusters of fragrant, tiny star shaped white flowers arranged in showy sprays up to 10 inches across appear in spring. The flowers are followed by clusters of shiny dark purple to black, berry-like fruits (drupes) in late summer to fall. Fruit may be used to make preserves, jellies, pies and wine. Fruit is also attractive to wildlife. Flower clusters can be battered and fried. In the fall, elderberries put on a colorful display of yellows, oranges and reds. Soil Type: Prefers moist soils, but will tolerate dry soils. Requires full sun. Zone 3-8.