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Kiss Me Over The Garden Gate Prince's Feather Persicaria orientalis - 20 Seeds
20 Seeds w/Instructions
Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate, also known as Oriental Persicary, Persicaria orientalis (Polygonum orientale), Princess feather, or Lady Finger, grows to 5′-8′ tall and 5′ wide. Fast growing, the thick, sturdy stems rise to about 5 feet tall and bear flamboyant, arching, pendulous bright pink, bead like flower clusters. The blossoms have a gentle yet delightful fragrance that is carried in the air when a warm wind blows.
An old rare heirloom! First grown in the US by Thomas Jefferson, Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden-Gate is a spectacular showy plant; however, it is also claimed that John Custis of Williamsburg Virginia was the first to grow it in 1737.
It grows in sandy, loamy, or clay soils, but prefers loamy to clay. Attracts butterflies. Annual.
Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate, also known as Oriental Persicary, Persicaria orientalis (Polygonum orientale), Princess feather, or Lady Finger, grows to 5′-8′ tall and 5′ wide. Fast growing, the thick, sturdy stems rise to about 5 feet tall and bear flamboyant, arching, pendulous bright pink, bead like flower clusters. The blossoms have a gentle yet delightful fragrance that is carried in the air when a warm wind blows.
An old rare heirloom! First grown in the US by Thomas Jefferson, Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden-Gate is a spectacular showy plant; however, it is also claimed that John Custis of Williamsburg Virginia was the first to grow it in 1737.
It grows in sandy, loamy, or clay soils, but prefers loamy to clay. Attracts butterflies. Annual.