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Displacement And Rehabilitation Solutions For The Future

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Year:2012,Binding:Hardcover,Pages:457,Language:English, Description:- , About The Author:- Dr. Nihar Ranjan Mishra, is Assistant Professor of Sociology at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha. A recipient of University Gold Medal in M.A. Anthropology Examination. Dr. Mishra had his academic training at University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad. He is also the recipient of Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Scholarship for Doctoral Studies (2005-2006), Doctoral Fellowship on Tribal Studies by Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India (2006- 2007), National Scholarship (1997-2000) and few others. He specializes in Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Livelihood, Displacement Issues, Tribal and Rural Development and Agrarian Studies. He has over 20 publications in professional journals of repute. As a credit to his academic achievement Dr. Mishra participated in jmany national and international conferences in India and abroad. Before joining at NIT, he worked with various reputed institutions in India with various capacities. He has earned his research and teaching experiences over the years handling various independent and joint projects sponsored by various private and government departments. K.K. Misra, is Professor of Anthropology at the Central University of Hyderabad and is currently on deputation to the Government of India as Director of Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal. He is also holding the additional charge of Director, Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata. He had his education at Utkal University, Bhubaneswar; Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; and University of Kent at Canterbury (U.K.). He was the recipient of Utkal University Gold Medal, Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship and Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Award. He was also Visiting Guest Researcher at the University of Bergen in Norway. He had earlier taught at Utkal University, Bhubaneswar and at Austin College, Sherman, Texas (USA). Dr. Misra's research interests include Environmental Anthropology, Anthropological Linguistics, Theory in Anthropology, and Museum Anthropology. He has written/edited/co-edited 9 books and has published more than 50 research papers in journals of repute and anthologies. He is editor of Humankind and Journal of Anthropological Survey of India, and on the editorial advisory boards of several professional journals., Contents:- Table of Contents, Displacement and Rehabilitation: Some Contemporary Issues Structural Inequality and Displacement: The Multiple Burdens among the SCs/STr of Orissa Economic Development and Disparity: A Concern for the Displaced People, Mining bulustries and the Dignity of Development in Backward States: An Anthropological Search for Solution, Mining and Displacement Problems in Orissa, Social and Economic Effects of Violent Armed Conflicts on Children: Evidence from Displaced Camps in Jammu and Kashmh: India, Development, Induced Displacement: The Case of Moolampilly, Impact of Displacement and Rehabilitation on Chenchu Livelihoods, Social Cost of Development: A Study on Displacement and Resettlement of the Thibals Affected under Mandira Dam Project, Displacement and Rehabilitation of Tribals of Andaman : A Critical Review, The Impact of Kalinganagar Industrial Complex on Livelihood and Culture of the Tribal Communities in .httpur District, Odisha, Industrialisation and Displacement in Kalinganagar: A Case Study of Tata Steel Parivar Colony, Potential Displaced People and their Loss qlResources : An Experience from Angul.theIndustrial lub of Orissa, Land Acquisition for Industrialisation and Displacement of People in India: Role of the State, Ultra Mega Power Plant in Orissa:Some Unanswered Questions, Development and Population Displacement in Orissa: A Human Perspective, Development and Displacement: A Note on Special Economic Zones, Development huluced Displacemetzt:Evidence fi-om Sardar Sarovar Project, Involuntary Urban Displacement and Vulnerability Risks, Voices of the Displaced, Coal Economy, Displacement and Rehabilitation A Hard Look in Talcher Coal Mines At-ea of Orissa, Between Two Nations: Chakmas and Their Settlement in Arunachal Pradesh, Development Projects and Tribals : 11 Critical Look from Uttar Pradesh, Index., About The Book:- The World Has Witnessed A Lot Of Controversy Over Development